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Archives for April 2019

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He Was Cut Off So That We Could Be Gathered In

An excerpt from the sermon "The Victory of Christ." This excerpt focuses on the glorious salvation that Christ achieved, through His suffering, for His people....

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Eternal Glory Belongs to Our Heavenly Father

Gospel Partnership Series

An excerpt from the sermon "To Our Great God Belongs Eternal Glory." This excerpt focuses on the wonderful truth that our God, in His fatherly relation to us, is worthy of eternal glory....

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The Center and Scope of the Fifth Commandment

A midweek lesson on the fifth of the Ten Commandments....

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Our Glorious and Generous Provider

Gospel Partnership Series

An excerpt from the sermon "Living in the Goodness of God's Provision." This excerpt highlights the wonderful truth that God has invested all of His vast wealth in Christ; and out of this vast wealth in Christ, our heavenly Father meets our needs....

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