Effective Evangelism
Effective Evangelism
Here is an excerpt from the sermon "Snapshots of a Healthy Church Part 1: An Exposition of Acts 2:41-47":
"Third, evangelism happened while they were devoting themselves to the Lord and to each other. I find it interesting that Luke doesn’t say anything about evangelism in verses 42-47. And yet, notice the connection between verse 41 and verse 47. In verse 41, “there were added that day about three thousand souls.” In verse 47, “the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” So, read between the lines or ‘between the verses’. This congregation of Word-shaped, Spirit-filled believers were having a powerful impact upon their surrounding community. They were at the temple, no doubt running into Jewish worshipers who didn’t believe in Jesus yet. They were all around the city in one another’s homes, no doubt running into neighbors and family members who didn’t believe in Jesus yet. The apostles continued to preach the gospel. And it is safe to assume that at least some of the three thousand converts also began to proclaim the gospel. And it is also safe to assume that the congregation itself, so full of devotion and love and prayer and sacrifice and togetherness, was a compelling testimony to “all the people” of their city. Do you believe that the Lord will add to our number as we are living the transformed life that Luke describes in verses 42-47? Will you pray into that? Will you expect God to show up in decisive ways?"
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