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Water From Above

Water From Above

Here is an excerpt from "The Spirit of Life: An Exposition of John 7:37-39":

Water is a precious gift; water satisfies a parched and thirsty land; water makes it possible for life to spring up and bear fruit. And the physicality of water and land, orchard and vineyard, pasture and grain field, is a truly good thing – one of God’s good gifts to the children of men. And yet, there is a far more pressing need that runs deeper than the springs and streams that cut their course through the earth. So Jesus looks out upon a people who are legitimately thankful for the water that was supplied during the last growing season and who are legitimately prayer for water to be supplied for the next growing season, and who know – or at least ought to know – that there is a spiritual reality that transcends the physical, and He calls attention to that thirst of soul that can only be satisfied by spiritual water: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.”