The Gospel of Mark
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 19, 2021
He Rose Again from the Dead
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 16:1–20
November 14, 2021
He Was Crucified, Dead, and Buried
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 15:21–47
November 7, 2021
He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 15:1–20
October 31, 2021
The One Faithful Witness
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 14:53–72
October 17, 2021
Behold the Man – Unique and Alone
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 14:27–52
October 10, 2021
The Lord's Passover
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 14:12–26
October 3, 2021
A Costly and Fitting Deed
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 14:1–11
September 26, 2021
Stay Awake!
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 13:32–37
September 19, 2021
The Destruction of Jerusalem
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 13:1–31
September 12, 2021
An Introduction to Mark 13
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 13:1–37
August 1, 2021
More Than Meets The Eye
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 12:35–44
July 25, 2021
The Two Great Commandments
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 12:28–34
July 18, 2021
Do you know the Scriptures and the Power of God?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Biblical Worldview Passage: Mark 12:18–27
July 11, 2021
Authority, Image, and Obligation
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 12:13–17
July 4, 2021
The Big Story
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Mark 12:1–12
June 27, 2021
A Lesson on Character
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Church Health Passage: Mark 11:27–33
June 20, 2021
The King Comes and Cleans House
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 11:1–25
June 13, 2021
The ABCs of the Christian Life
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Christian Life Basics Passage: Mark 10:32–52
June 6, 2021
The One Thing
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 10:17–31
May 30, 2021
Who is God's kingdom for?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Kingdom of God, Discipleship Passage: Mark 10:13–16
May 23, 2021
Marriage: A Proving Ground for Disciples
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 10:1–12
May 16, 2021
At War with Sin, At Peace with Each Other
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 9:42–50
May 9, 2021
A Vision Far Greater Than Us
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 9:38–41
March 28, 2021
The Disciple's Proper Aim is to be Servant of All
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 9:30–37
March 21, 2021
How to Partner with God in His Kingdom Work
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 9:14–29
March 14, 2021
Listen to Him!
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Glory of Christ Passage: Mark 9:1–13
March 7, 2021
You Will Pay a Price
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 8:34–38
February 28, 2021
Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 8:34–38
February 21, 2021
The Messiah Must Suffer
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Sufferings of Christ Passage: Mark 8:31–33
February 14, 2021
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Glory of Christ Passage: Mark 8:27–29
February 7, 2021
Do You See?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 8:1–34
November 29, 2020
Jesus Displays Grace in Gentile Country
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Passage: Mark 7:24–37
November 22, 2020
Defilement Part 2: The Heart of the Matter
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Christian Life Basics Passage: Mark 7:14–23
November 15, 2020
Defilement Part 1: By What Standard?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Christian Life Basics Passage: Mark 7:1–13
November 8, 2020
The Overflowing Fullness of Jesus
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Mission of Christ, The Glory of Christ Passage: Mark 6:30–56
November 1, 2020
Following in the Footsteps of John the Baptist
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Mission of Christ Passage: Mark 6:14–29
October 25, 2020
On Mission With Jesus
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Mission of Christ Passage: Mark 6:1–13
October 18, 2020
Behold the Lord of Life!
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Glory of Christ Passage: Mark 5:21–43
October 4, 2020
He Sets the Captive Free
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Glory of Christ Passage: Mark 5:1–20
September 27, 2020
In the School of Rabbi Jesus
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Rooted in Christ Passage: Mark 4:33–41
September 20, 2020
The Growth of God's Kingdom Part 2
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Mark 4:30–32
March 8, 2020
The Growth of God's Kingdom Part 1
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Kingdom of God Passage: Mark 4:26–29
March 1, 2020
Attention Required!
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Christian's Spiritual Heartbeat Passage: Mark 4:21–25
February 23, 2020
The Great Divide
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Sovereignty of God Passage: Mark 4:10–12
February 16, 2020
Do You Have Ears to Hear?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 4:1–20
January 26, 2020
Who Belongs to Jesus?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Rooted in Christ Passage: Mark 3:20–35
January 19, 2020
Jesus Builds His Team
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 3:7–21
January 12, 2020
The Lord of the Sabbath
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Rooted in Christ Passage: Mark 2:23– 3:6
December 8, 2019
Be 'Christmas People' All Year Long
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Gospel-Shaped Life Passage: Mark 1:40– 3:6
December 1, 2019
The Joy of the Gospel
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Gospel Joy Passage: Mark 2:18–22
November 24, 2019
The Dinner Party Mission
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Mission of Christ Passage: Mark 2:13–17
November 10, 2019
Who Can Forgive Your Sins?
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Forgiveness of Sins Passage: Mark 2:1–12
October 27, 2019
The Mission of Jesus
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Mission of Christ Passage: Mark 1:29–45
October 20, 2019
The Authority of Jesus
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Glory of Christ Passage: Mark 1:21–28
October 13, 2019
The Call To Follow Jesus
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: Discipleship Passage: Mark 1:16–20
October 6, 2019
The Gospel Begins
Speaker: Brian Wilbur Series: The Gospel of Mark Topic: The Glory of Christ Passage: Mark 1:1–15