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Episode 22: Deeper into Psalms 1-2

March 21, 2024 Series: Biblical Worldview

Topic: The Psalms Passage: Psalms 1:1–2:12

Psalms 1-2 are rich fare. In Episode 22 of the Stone Pillar Podcast, Dane and Brian dig deeper into these opening psalms. The conversation unfolds as follows:

00:30 welcome
01:40 there are two ways
09:32 Edenic imagery
13:25 true blessedness only possible by God's redeeming grace
15:49 the cycle of growth in the righteous; the cycle of decay in the wicked
18:11 these things take place in community
32:14 reflecting on the Messiah in Psalms 1-2
43:35 the Lord God Almighty is not rightly and savingly known apart from faith in His Son
49:48 the Father-Son relationship in the Godhead is at the heart of reality
54:43 let us have teachable hearts
61:38 outro